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Our Preschool Co-op

Our Pre-school Begins!

The start of school is always an exciting time of year. This year we have a beautiful, new preschool classroom in the bonus room at Amy's house. It is our third year of preschool/baby time for these five children. I am thankful for these five wonderful ladies!

We begin having baby time with stories and songs when they were one. For this class we all met once a week and took turns leading Babytime. We would plan several books to read, songs and rhymes, some sensory activities and sometimes a craft around a theme. Then we would have lunch and let the babies play. This would last about an hour.

When they were two we had a little classroom at my parents' house that we met in one morning a week. They had an extra bedroom that they set up into a child's playroom for spill over during the bible studies they host. The class lasted for 2 hours and we did not have other parents in the room for the first time. Whoever taught the class would be responsible for getting other volunteers, which was usually one of the homeschooling teenagers (that was good training for them too). We had a backbone curriculum we used to keep us all on pace with the correct letters, numbers and skills. This curriculum included manners and bible stories. We all reinforced these concepts as much as we wanted to at home as well using the materials from class if they had some sent home.

Now our little biddies are three years old! Time has flown by and we have grown. We will meet now 1 or 2 days a week plus story time at the library once a week. Leah has written our curriculum, pulling the best of multiple curriculums. Amazing feat! We have all contributed to the classroom but Amy has worked so hard to pull it all together. It looks fabulous. We will keep you posted on our year as we go.

I hope the kids appreciate this opportunity when they grow up. I am thankful for the opportunity to homeschool with these wonderful families!

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